What Gifts will 2023 bring for the UK Food System?

We all know that forecasting is a ‘mug’s game’ – unless one is Dominic Cummings, who of course predicted the pandemic – but here are some thoughts regarding the UK food system and its influencing factors in 2023. Given everything that’s happened in recent years we cannot ignore the scope for, and the power of… Continue reading What Gifts will 2023 bring for the UK Food System?

The Tough is Getting Tougher…

The UK Government’s Autumn Statement is clearly seeking to improve the mood music in preparation for the 2024 General Election – whilst injecting confidence into the financial markets it depends on for funding. With the British food industry facing continued challenges, the Government would possibly wield better returns if it just invested capital into the… Continue reading The Tough is Getting Tougher…

Truss and her Budget Blunders

In May, Nottingham Forest FC were promoted back up to the Premier League after a 23 year absence – Trentland was on fire. However, by the start of October, the newly promoted club sits at the bottom of the league, £150 million worse-off after poor recruitment choices, and is considering sacking their manager, Steve Cooper.… Continue reading Truss and her Budget Blunders

A New Era… A New Opportunity

God bless the Queen, and long live the King Recent years have been tumultuous to the point of mass fatigue. The Great Financial Crisis, the Scottish independence referendum, Brexit, the pandemic – and then the awful invasion of Ukraine. Amongst all this, we in the UK and the Commonwealth had one, positive constant. H.M. Queen… Continue reading A New Era… A New Opportunity

The Heavyweight Showdown: Heinz versus Tesco

Considerable footage has been ascribed to the rather public, albeit temporary stand-off between Heinz and Tesco. Much of the commentary has revolved around the scrap between a leading proprietary brand and a goliath of a retailer. Stripping away the boxing match references though leads to some interesting themes surrounding the current domestic food market –… Continue reading The Heavyweight Showdown: Heinz versus Tesco

Challenges Keep Stacking Up For The F&B Industry

There is a lot that’s great about Britain; to admire and be proud about. Increasingly, however, there is much that is sub-optimal, below mediocrity, frustrating, and worrying. The British food system is a sector with much to admire and be proud of too, but it’s an industry that could benefit from an appropriate enabling context… Continue reading Challenges Keep Stacking Up For The F&B Industry

Entering the Storm

April has been a defining moment for British household finances as a rather unholy trinity has kicked in: Home energy costs rose substantially at the start of the month, followed by a step up in national insurance contributions. After much speculation, we’re also now experiencing a demonstrable increase in food prices. Current inflation is the… Continue reading Entering the Storm

Coriolis goes Stateside

Since 2020, the food and beverage (F&B) and food service industries have been hit with several significant structural shocks. The Global Pandemic dealt the first blow, closely followed by acute labour and skills shortages. The subsequent rampant raw material price inflation and the effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have further exacerbated the issues and… Continue reading Coriolis goes Stateside

A brave new HFSS world

For some decades the issue of diet and nutrition and the nation’s well-being has been a matter that has animated policymakers. Vast vested interest and no small spoonful of political doctrine – the sort that likes to tell people what to do for their own good in particular – have clashed over how to bring… Continue reading A brave new HFSS world

Paying the price for Putin’s war

The invasion of Ukraine is appalling. How matters will pan out remains to be seen. But it’s difficult to be optimistic about what it’ll take for Putin to fail and for a new normality to return. Putin may have underestimated the coordination and resolve of “The West” to resist his imperialist advances. Time will tell… Continue reading Paying the price for Putin’s war

Imagine… Food Glorious Food

The UK has a fine food system comprising advanced farming, given our modest agricultural land base. It also has leading-edge, mass-market food manufacturing, amongst the most innovative grocery retailers on the planet, and a food & beverage “F&B” channel that has shaken off the country’s once backward and pariah culinary status. The industry is always… Continue reading Imagine… Food Glorious Food

Will we all be watching Doha in December?

A very Happy New Year to you all from myself, Mark Dudley and all at Coriolis. 2022 brings us the FIFA World Cup finals in Qatar, that hotbed of soccer commencing in November with a final at 3pm on the 18th December. Can the Earl of Tees-side steer England to one step better than the… Continue reading Will we all be watching Doha in December?