Let’s be polite and just call Ed Davey – ‘ignorant’

The local authority elections provide the platform for politicians to say stupid things. Some are more consequential than others, of course, and in the case of Ed Davey, leader of that minority sport that is The Liberal Democrats, backers of the Student Loan Scheme when in power, easy to ignore. However, the crass stupidity of… Continue reading Let’s be polite and just call Ed Davey – ‘ignorant’

What do salad shortages say about the UK food system?

Late winter in the UK and the surprises of modern life just keep coming as we approach the third anniversary of then Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, deciding to lock the country down. Indeed, a little over a year ago we all watched in absolute horror as Vladimir Putin showed he was a liar by invading… Continue reading What do salad shortages say about the UK food system?